It seems like i can't make the right choices, i'm making the same mistakes that in the past, with the only difference that this time there's a car involved. And going out. For dinner. And movies. And sneaking around. At 2 in the morning. But still. It's not only that. My girl friends too. They're distant. We were suppoused to be having a sleepover party. Next friday. All of us. And everybody has plans. Except me. So, again, i'm stuck in my house. On a friday. I feel bad. I don't have a backup plan. Dammit. I need a backup plan. And maybe a little bit of ice cream. Or chocolate. Today I had a lot of caffeine so it'll be a while before i feel sleepy. I need some sleep tough. I want my very own Dan. Dan Humphrey of course. So cute. Too bad he's just part of some writter's mind. Soooo. What to do... maybe i keep doing what I do best. Mess things up. Maybe with a little bit of luck I'll do something stupid and this time I become the victim. Or something. I don't want to be the one who starts the end. Maybe this time i'm gonna let things flow. But still. I need a f'kin backup plan!.

jueves, 30 de julio de 2009
miércoles, 1 de julio de 2009
Not an Instructions kinda person.
Las Instrucciones son una cosa muy confusa para mi. Generalmente convierto una instruccion simple en una serie de preguntas.
Por ejemplo: dibuja una linea que tamaño? que color?
3.con lápiz o pluma?
4.en que sentido?
5.que tan ancha?
dammit, ni si quiera para dibujar la inche linea puedo decir: esta bien.
Por ejemplo: dibuja una linea que tamaño? que color?
3.con lápiz o pluma?
4.en que sentido?
5.que tan ancha?
dammit, ni si quiera para dibujar la inche linea puedo decir: esta bien.

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