viernes, 26 de diciembre de 2008

happy Bis n.n

Ok, so today i´m really happy, in fact sooo happy that i even did the dishes without anyone asking me to!! yay! And the reason of my happines is that i´ve finally gotten my itty bitty sewing machine! And is waaay better than the toy one i have. It´s soo pretty that i cannot stop staring at it (JK). I still need to read the manual in order to learn how to really use it and not messing it up. So now all the projects i have in mind will become real.
i´ve been filling my head wit diy fashion parades and pretty cool ideas on how to personalize your clothing in order to simply get what you want. And some of those ideas are pretty easy to perform. Today was a bit agitated, things around the house are messy cuz we spent most of the day at the store trying tools and drill motors (something that i need of course)and also the J explained me that he wanted to get the B a new tv so he can watch his games big and full HD. If you ask me i´m pretty cool with that because the tv b´s got is dying low and slow. And it´ll be a nice thing he´ll get to take care of. I got pretty good deals on shoes and bra´s today. The store was a crazy place, it seemed like they were giving away free stuff. I ran around the store like i always do, but it was pretty full. Shopping is hard work if you ask me. I got for xmas a few kitchen tools and my TIMER!! finally! and my oh so cheesy books are sitting on my bed waiting to be read. I also got yummy chocolates. i think i´m getting hungry. i´m always hungry. ok, so i'll go get something to eat.
p.s. if this blog is too girly, to bored, to cheesy, to whatever then don´t read it, but don´t expect that i change the way i write. If it bothers you, too bad. I don´t care if anyone takes this personal. I´m done trying to make people to accept me the way I am. If i´m not enough for you, so be it. n.n

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